IPC sets new date for Bordeaux in person meeting


It’s been a long two years and even longer since IPC had the chance to get together for an in person meeting. Over the last few weeks, IPC Staff have become cautiously optimistic that the industry might progressively be able to go back to business as usual throughout 2022. However, as IPC priority remains the health and well-being of all our members as well as to organize the best meeting possible with the highest level of attendance possible, it has been decided to postpone yet again the IPC annual meeting to September 28-30, 2022, as only 2022 in person IPC meeting. This was not a happy or swift decision but it is the best solution given the current circumstances.

However, IPC is 100% committed to meeting all its Members and the global poultry industry in Bordeaux, France, on those days. IPC Staff will make this long overdue meeting memorable for all – it taking place at last will be a memorable occasion in itself!

Registration will open on Monday 25 April 2022. More information on the program, working group meetings and social events will follow in the coming weeks.

We want to thank you for your patience and understanding during these eventful times and we genuinely look forward to seeing you in September.


Media contact

Caroline Leroux, Communications Advisor, caroline@internationalpoultrycouncil.org, +41 79 324 127