Consumers can trust food, COVID-19 is not a food safety issue

How to best read and interpret food testing results for COVID-19

IPC today releases its Science Assessment on “SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Scientific Understanding”.

Research has made huge strides in studying the virus causing COVID-19, and nothing has highlighted the slightest correlation between COVID-19 and food safety.  The protection of public and consumer health also passes through the information process, providing people involved in decision-making at any level with the tools to analyse and understand the overall picture.

 This document is based as sources on the most important international organizations (WHO, WTO, OIE, FAO), defining a scientifically supported position on the interpretation of food analyses.

Food analyses are a fundamental point to ensure consumer safety and to verify the level of production standards, as is the interpretation of analytical results, which must take place in the context of a wholistic risk analysis approach.

COVID-19 Science assessment 2021 0203

Media contact

Nicolò Cinotti, Secretary General