IPC season's greetings
IPC wishes all the best for the 2020 holiday’s season to its Members, friends and the whole poultry global value chain.
Unfortunately, 2020 will be remembered as the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, of virtual meetings, of the inability to travel and of the huge challenges our industry has had to work through.
In this difficult context, IPC wants to thank the poultry value chain for its support. Difficulties often lead to isolation as an immediate reaction, while history teaches that the choice to continue to believe in the unity of the sector may be more difficult but will be the most fruitful in the long term.
The poultry sector, like all sectors, has suffered a very strong blow from the pandemic, but due to its intrinsic characteristics it is managing to cushion this blow and the prospect of a recovery in short term is not just a dream.
IPC has great faith in 2021, especially in the second half, both for our industry and for Our Association. IPC has organized itself to continue to work in support of the global poultry sector and 2021 will see numerous activities on the tables of the Working Groups and the Executive Committee, with the purpose of promoting and advocating for our sector. From both an organizational and a content point of view, IPC is working to increase the added value for its Members and at the same time reduce the burden that sometimes comes from participating in IPC activities.
Once again, thanks for supporting the IPC, thanks for supporting the global poultry industry.
IPC Executive Committee and Staff wish the whole global poultry value chain a happy holiday season and a prosperous, happy and above all healthy New Year.
Media contact
Nicolò Cinotti, Secretary General nicolo@internationalpoultrycouncil.org